Eclipse of Sorrow tells the story of the Henders’ family, disrupted by tragic events in an undefined post-apocalyptic future.
Starting from their hometown Eyry, destroyed by a terrible Quake artificially generated during the war against the Doom Army, Alice and Adrienne begin a long journey towards the mystical Eden in search for their father and husband Chris. Along the path, Alice, Adrienne and Chris will understand the eternal dichotomy between Good and Evil, Oppressed and Oppressor, the power of Nature and the indifference and cruelty of human race. A tragic destiny before the gates of Eden will show to humanity the right way to reborn.
Maeg Raheena (lead vocals)
Daniele Tari (piano, keyboards & harsh vocals)
Valerio Specchio (rhythm & lead guitars)
Sandro Iovanella (bass)
Domenico Sibillo (drums)
Stefano Casciello Lauropoli (as "The voice of Oppressed on track 9 and 13)
Plot & Lyrics based on an original idea by Daniele Tari and Valerio Specchio.
All songs written by Daniele Tari and Valerio Specchio, except track n.1 and 11 written by Daniele Tari and track n. 8 written by Daniele Tari, Valerio Specchio and Margherita Perrotta.
All songs orchestrated by Daniele Tari.
Keyboards recordings by Daniele Tari at his own studio.
Recorded, mixed and mastered at Sound.Lab, Caserta.
Cover Art by Pierre-Alain D. ( )
Photography : Alice Ph
Produced by Daniele Tari & Sipario Power Metal Act
Co-produced by Sandro Iovanella
Label: Underground Symphony
Info & details:
"Oblivion - Dark Thorns" tells the struggle between Heria, the last Moonrider, and the evil prince Djilak, an immortal being sealed in a space-time dimension a long time ago. Now Djilak is returned to Oblivion, the forgotten land separated from the Kingdom of Aithea by The Bridge of Cloud, a thin strip of land suspended on the sea.
Heria, on his faithful horse Kiba, rides along the Path of Destiny searching the Holy Objects of the Legend to save his beloved Isabel kidnapped and imprisoned by the evil prince.
Shadows and lights of Heria’s soul come alive as the voice of Karma, his personified conscience…
Read or download the PDF Booklet (with Plot & Lyrics)
Maeg Raheena (vocals) as Karma (Heria's conscience)
Maria Pia Calandro (vocals) as Isabel
Gianrolando Scaringi (actor) as The Storyteller, King Karin and Old Kiri on track 1; the old drunk man on track 9; King Yanis, father of Heria on track 11.
Daniele Tari as Heria on track 4 and 11; Morpheus on track 11.
Growls on track 8 by Daniele Tari as Prince Djilak.
Guitar solos on track 2, 10 and 12 by Valerio Specchio as Heria’s Motus Animi.
Bass on track 2, 8, 12, 13 and 14 by Sandro Iovanella
Plot & Lyrics based on the novel “Oblivion” from the book “Primavera di Aithea” written by Daniele Tari.
All songs written & orchestrated by Daniele Tari.
All songs recorded by Daniele Tari & Sandro Iovanella
Mixed by Sandro Iovanella at “SoundLab”
Additional at Gatestudio (
Cover Art © RaphaÑ‘l Lacoste “El Rafo” (
Photography : Margherita Perrotta & Daniele Tari
Produced by Daniele Tari & Sipario Power Metal Act
Info & details:
Screaming Against Oblivion
Maeg Raheena (vocals) as Heria's conscience (Karma)
Maria Pia Calandro (vocals) as Isabel
Viviana Fiorito (opera vocals) as Isabel on "Intro - The Story of Oblivion"
Gianrolando Scaringi (actor) as The Storyteller on "Intro - The Story of Oblivion"
Mixed by Nicola Tranquillo (Caserta - IT)
Mastered by Michael "Miro" Rodenberg with Sascha Paeth at Gate Studio (Wolfsburg - DE).
Cover Art/Design: Daniele Tari
Photography: Anna Maria Gravina (Sunnysky_)
Info & details: